Bunch Of Weirdos?
Man, we here at Tom's drink weird teas', smoke cigars and chew tobacco, eat raw shellfish and raccoons and grow weird crap in our gardens, milk goats, make beer and wine, build guns and anything else...
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O.K., you mentioned turtle soup. Had it quite often years ago at "Niel 'de Vaughns" on Cannery Row, Monterey Warf. Excellent!Goat/sheep. Of course. Hard to beat a good leg of lamb, or good lamb chops....
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Bransweiger is made from liver and a lot of fat. The fat goes to the outside of the casing and makes a kind of rind. It is wonderful.My favorite wild meat is elk. It usually has marbling and grills up...
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I love braunschweiger.Buffalo, very excellent!Froglegs aren't even considered weird here. Used to hut them with a bow and arrow when I was a kid and clean them up and bring them home and we would have...
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Okie, you bring up a good one: mountain oysters! Never tried those....I keep thinking of Chevy Chase in that one movie (or was it Dan Akroid?) where he just kept ordering them and ordering and...
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We have eel sushi once in a while and it isn't fishy. Must be the Ital way.It was Chevy Chase in that movie where he moved to the country to write a book.Check out my photos at oklahomaman
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Darn, I forgot to mention antelope. My dad shot one when I was a teenager. I still remember it as the best of the deer type animals.Just don't like handling rattlesnakes to clean. Just don't like...
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Antelope is one of the best tasting deer type animals I have tasted.In 1982 I was visiting a friend in Vegas while driving back from Los Angeles.He had an antelope roast that was just great.Since he...
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I"ve had buffalo and thought it just as good as beef if not better. So pins are referred to as Sailor's choice.. that's intersting. Last time we went fishing from the pier @ Topsail Island in NC, I...
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Eel's only salty if you salt it. It's one of my favorite sushi toppings, served with a sort of sweetish sauce. Not fishy either, to my view. Squid's great, don't much care for octopus, kind of...
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Pinfish are supposed to be good bait for trout. (spotted sea trout) I've tried them for bait, but spot or menhaden or especially shrimp work better for me.
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BobB1, do you fish for the sea trout in deep water? I don't even know if we have them in the west, but have heard the term mentioned before.Kevin in Or.
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Just talked to my friend that is a commercial fisherman, who I occasoinaly deck hand for, told me we have the sea trout, think, and he isn't sure, that they are some kind of grayling. Excellent...
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Heck. Half the things you guys are talking about eating, I have or had living in my house as pets. Fish..frogs..snake...rabbit. I'm glad you haven't mentioned mouse, ferret, dog, or cat yet. Talk...
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Haven't had cat, dog, mouse, or ferret YET! But always a first time. Kevin in Or.
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The sea trout we have on the east coast is a member of the drum or croaker family. Croaker, red drum, black drum, spotted sea trout and weakfish all are related. They get their name because they have...
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I don't think that I would be too squeamish around eating testicles. I mean, I still want to go to the "Testicle Festival" somewhere in the southwest, I think. However, let me qualify that statement,...
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The Calgary Stampede has a version of the Testicle Festival. In the Southwest, alright. Of Canada, that is.'holic
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Thanks 'holic! I don't know that I will be going up to Canada again anytime soon. I wasn't all that impressed the first time I went. It's going to take more than balls to get me up there again! LOL!...
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Festival of Testicles! Sounds like a gay pride march! Their slogan could be "Come and get your nut!" Nuts are great eating! I grew up seeing all the old guys ordering them in restaurants and once I...
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Almost brings new meaning to "you want fries with that"?Better to be hated for who you are, than loved for who you're not.....MOLON LABEMrHainey
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